For Teachers


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What is MathOnline?

MathOnline is United States leading computer-based training program, designed to complement what you teach your kids in class. It helps guide your students lesson by lesson, allowing them to pause, rewind and repeat all or part of any lesson until they fully understand it.

It covers Prep (Kindergarten) right through to Year 12. Ideal for students who are struggling, who have missed some work, as well as those students who want to get ahead.

It Reduces Your Workload and Saves You Time

As teachers ourselves, our aim is to provide you with a simple, intuitive program that removes a lot of your most laborious and repetitive tasks.

A great example is the setting and marking of homework. It takes less than 60 seconds to set a homework task for a class.

The MathOnline program does the rest for you:

  • Automatically directs students to their homework you have set
  • Marks the homework for you
  • Produces an easy-to-understand report so you can identify students who didn't do it and those who need extra assistance

Set Tasks for Individualised Learning

As teachers ourselves we understand that it is not 'one size fits all'. We've designed MathOnline with your needs in mind. It's easy for you to set a task for the whole class. Or if you have students who are getting behind or who are way ahead, you can tailor individual tasks for them quickly and easily with the click of a button.

View Student Progress

See students' result for an individual task or for all their tasks.

See who completed the work and who finished it on time.

See the class average - this is really valuable to quickly grab a snapshot view of whether or not the students are fully understanding a concept, so you will know if the area needs to be re-visited in more depth.

Figure 4 - Visualise your class progress on a work task

MathOnline collects data on every lesson and task the student completes, and generates valuable information you can use in a variety of ways:

  • The student progress reports are perfect as feedback for parent-teacher meetings.
  • The class reports rank students within the class.
  • The detailed student reports, which lists results for individual lessons, makes it easy to identify students' weaknesses and gaps in knowledge.

Why do Teachers Choose MathOnline to Assist Them and their Students?

Great question. At least we thought so.

That's why we asked your colleagues - these are just some of the things that other teachers told us recently.

"As I mark their work, I can set specific work for particular students which they can then find easily."

"Awesome for homework tasks as there are no excuses and kids love it instead of taking their textbook."

"MathOnline is so good it now forms the foundation of our whole math program."

"Gives students alternative methods to approach questions with animations/diagrams."

"Great for revision of topics and the videos are similar to my style of teaching."

"I can differentiate the students homework."

"I can set homework directly related to that day's lesson and monitor participation."

"I set MathOnline as weekly homework and students can do it when it suits them."

"It allows parents to be involved in learning, even if they don't think they have the skills to help."

"Reinforces ideas that have been taught in class. Students experience success in math areas."

"Students can see the concepts presented in a more focussed way than a normal classroom."

"We use it to set homework. A great way to monitor student work and give positive feedback to students."

"It compliments strong teachers lessons and it can also work well for less confident non-math trained teachers, as well as for classes that struggle."

Work Smarter and Faster, Not Harder and Longer

The last thing you want is a new program that makes your life harder. Something that's going to create more work for you. And for what? For a vague promise of the possibility of some better learning outcomes for your students.

I think you and I both know how this normally goes.

So when we developed the Teacher Centre for MathOnline, we had you in mind. It needed to be easy to use. Smart yet simple. And of course, it had to be effective.

With MathOnline, you are in control with just a click of the mouse.

  • Video-audio lessons covering an abundance of concepts, with several examples of each
  • A bank of questions accompanies each lesson for students to practice their newly learned skill
  • Students submit their answers online, work is immediately marked and their results recorded
  • Worked solutions are provided with every worksheet
  • Results are recorded for both students and teachers access
  • A wealth of information at your finger tips: detailed reports showing student grades for every lesson; summary reports showing student progress by topic
  • Homework tasks can easily be set for as far ahead as you wish
  • In the event of prolonged teacher absence, you will no longer return to a class significantly behind the teaching program

Your Next Steps

Register today for your free 6-week trial of MathOnline.

We'll send you details so you can get started right away. Your class will love you for it, and it will save you a truckload of your valuable time with setting and marking homework in the year ahead.